eThink Education Is Named One of 2020’s Best and Brightest Companies to Work For

eThink Education, now part of Open LMS, has been awarded a place on the Best and Brightest Companies To Work For National List. The competition, conducted by the National Association for Business Resources, “identifies and honors organizations that display a commitment to excellence in operations and employee enrichment that [leads] to increased productivity and financial performance.”

During the evaluation process, eThink Education was assessed by an independent research firm that reviewed various key components including HR resources, business values, and employee satisfaction. As one of the 2020 Fall National winning companies, eThink is “making better business, creating richer lives, and building a stronger community as a whole.”

“Through the first half of 2020, the Best and Brightest Companies To Work For have demonstrated leadership and forward thinking as they pivoted their business and workforce through COVID-19. As the conversation and focus has shifted, our Best and Brightest winning companies have also been a voice for important actions regarding Race. It is in these unique times, the Best and Brightest Companies To Work For excel and share their knowledge with others," said Jennifer Kluge, President and CEO, Best and Brightest Programs.

“eThink’s company culture and values have been extremely important to the way we’ve built our business from the beginning,” said Brian Carlson, Co-Founder of eThink Education. “From our employee-driven mission statement, to the open communication we encourage across all levels of the company, to our remote work environment that allows for an easier work-life balance, we have and will continue to prioritize the voice and desires of our employees. It’s an honor to be recognized as a company that is providing for our employees and helping both employees and clients adapt to the changing world we are living in.”

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About Open LMS

Open LMS leverages highly secure open-source software, supported by Amazon Web Services (AWS), to deliver an effective and engaging learning and training experience for K-12, higher education, and corporate institutions around the world. As the largest commercial provider of hosting and support services for the open-source learning platform Moodle™, Open LMS helps organizations and institutions deliver great learning experiences without complexities. Open LMS is part of Learning Technologies Group plc’s award-winning group of specialist learning technology and talent management businesses.

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