The Power of Microlearning: Strategies for Workplace and Education

Watch this 45-minute captivating webinar to delve into the impact and outcomes microlearning has had in education and its effects on workplace learning.

The Open LMS Asia-Pacific Customer Success team with another webinar on demand!

In today's fast-paced world, traditional learning methods are being supplemented, if not replaced, by innovative approaches like microlearning. Explore the concept of microlearning and delve into effective strategies for its implementation in professional environments and educational settings.

What will I find out from the webinar?

During this live discussion, the experts will delve into the impact and outcomes microlearning has had in education and its effects on workplace learning.

Microlearning is being adopted to replace traditional eLearning approaches, it involves delivering content in small, easily digestible chunks, making it ideal for busy professionals who don't have a lot of time. Our experts will provide insights and suggested strategies around how microlearnig could be utilized.

The audience will have opportunities to engage with the speakers, ask questions, and participate in the enlightening discussion throughout the live stream.

Key discussion points:

  • What microlearning is and how it differs from microcredentials
  • Benefits of microlearning
  • The drawbacks and limitations of microlearning
  • Tools and technologies available to help create microlearning


James Smith, Senior Solutions Architect at Open LMS

James has years of L&D consulting experience with a variety of education and corporate clients including Telstra, Australian Department of Defence, Victorian EPA, KPMG, RMIT, Bendigo Bank and IBSA.  Starting out in L&D in the early 2000s as a facilitator who had to write his own training material, through to becoming an eLearning developer, and now at his sweet spot as a “consultant” with a focus on learning strategies, content and platforms.

Suzie Chan, Adoption & Education Specialist at Open LMS

With a background as a former client, Suzie possesses an intimate understanding of the needs and requirements of Open LMS clients. Suzie's passion for educational technology finds its roots in her time spent teaching a Diploma of Event Management at Holmesglen. This hands-on experience ignited her interest in leveraging technology to enhance learning outcomes and streamline processes. Suzie's innate ability to empathize and connect enables her to  drive positive change in the ever-evolving landscape of education and technology.

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