Move Your Higher Education Training and Adult Education to Open LMS! Simplify, Save Money, and Enhance User Experience
Why Choose Open LMS?
At Open LMS, we understand the unique challenges faced by higher education institutions in delivering effective and efficient training to faculty and staff. We can help simplify your learning ecosystem, save money, and provide a superior teaching and learning experience for your faculty, staff, and administrative personnel.

Save Money
Why spend extra money on a separate professional development tool when you can leverage the platform you already have? By choosing Open LMS, you can avoid additional licensing and support fees for separate products - and you can take advantage of the volume pricing already in use at your institution.

Superior Teaching and Learning Experience
Open LMS goes beyond traditional training systems by providing access to deep teaching and learning tools. With Open LMS, you can thrill your learners with collaborative learning experiences, team projects, robust assessment capabilities, and automated personalized learning feedback. Engage your learners like never before and empower them to achieve their full potential.

You users will experience their training programs in the system your faculty and students use every day. This is especially important if your institution relies on contingent staffing (often more than half of teaching faculty!) as they’ll complete their training in the same system they'll be asked to use while teaching. With Open LMS, you can ensure consistent data tracking for each learner, making it easier to monitor progress and evaluate outcomes.

Catalog and Registration
Open LMS offers a simple yet powerful course catalog and registration solution that enables you to extend professional development opportunities to a wider audience. We have a variety of options from simple to very robust, with pricing that will make sense for your institution.

Transform your training efforts into a profit center with Open LMS's powerful eCommerce extensions. Monetize your training courses and generate revenue instead of treating them as an expense center.