How to Form Partnerships Between Colleges and Community Partners

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How to Form Partnerships Between Colleges and Community Partners

In the current economy, community partners need to work collaboratively to address local workforce demands. This need for collaboration is not new. However, the near zero unemployment in many communities is putting strains on the local workforce unlike anything seen in the past. Community colleges should be an intricate part of these conversations in all the communities they serve.

A simple form or shared spreadsheet can be used
to gather this information—and then serve as a
reference for updating partnerships in the future.
This documentation of partnerships can then serve
a myriad of purposes, particularly if it is updated on
an annual or semi-annual basis. Just a few of those
purposes are:

  • A piece of evidence for accreditation
    purposes related to mission
  • A piece of evidence for grant applications
    related to length and network of
  • An assessment tool for readiness to engage
    the community in a new academic program
    or service offering
  • An assessment tool for institutional capacity
    to engage in new partnerships
  • And more!

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