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  • Using Moodle™/Joule for assessment: Addressing classroom needs in new ways

    As educators we know that assessment is important in any learning environment and that assessment can vary wildly given our classroom need our curriculum our philosophy of teaching and learning and the mandates we are required to comply with.

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  • What is aggregation?

    Aggregation is a term that is often times misunderstood in Moodle™. However with the knowledge of what aggregation is your student grades can accurately reflect what you have intended to calculate.

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  • Best practices: Eight steps for creating Flexpage courses from scratch

    As I mentioned in one of my previous posts 🔗 the Flexpage course format is one of my favorite features inside Moodle™/Joule. This course format goes beyond changing the look and feel of a course; it gives teachers the opportunity to build unique course designs that enhance the user experience of their audience.

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  • Adding Branching exercises into your Moodle™ course

    Branching allows users to have a unique experience based on their interaction within an activity. It is a great way to simulate decision-making scenarios of real life events. In today’s post I’m going to discuss techniques for designing branching exercises and suggest a few activities in Moodle™ to use for building them.

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  • Crowdsource Moodle™ development

    Whether we are picking a team captain choosing a vacation destination or (fiendishly) trying to outvote the American Idol candidate whom we dislike; voting is about creating destiny.

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  • Best practices: Working with Wiki

    As course builders and facilitators for online course we know that collaboration engagement and community building are wildly important. What are some ways in which you currently encourage these in your courses?

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  • 12 ways to keep your students happy in Moodle™

    As a teacher or course builder there are many ways you can design your online courses to simplify the experience for your students. The way you facilitate your course can also greatly improve the student satisfaction. In today’s post I’ve listed a few tips for trying to keep your students happy as they work in Moodle™.

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  • Using Groups and Groupings

    In Moodle™ you can create differentiated instruction by using the groups and groupings features. This is a multi-step process. In today’s post I’m going to explain the process and how to set it up so that you can take advantage of these features in your courses.

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  • 9 Tips to Grade Faster With Open LMS

    As a teacher grading activities is an essential part of your job but it can be a time-consuming task. Easing grading can save time and allow you to work more on preparing for additional classroom activities and other tasks on your to-do list. Today I am going to share some tips that I have found to be helpful in easing grading in Moodle™ and Open LMS.

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