Blog Listing Page

  • Best practices: Update your profile settings and improve your user experience inside Moodle™

    Every person with an account in Moodle™ has a user profile that displays personal information. By default the user profile is viewable by any other users in the system and it displays information such as first and last name email address last access date and other personal details that the user decides to share.

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  • Best practices: Gamify your class with Moodle

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  • Flip your classroom with Moodle™ Tools

    Flipping the classroom is a blended learning approach that places the lecture time outside of the class time so that the teacher can spend more time during class interacting and working with students.

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  • Best Practices: Displaying Moodle™ Grades in Real-Time

    Learn how to set up your Moodle™ gradebook to display real-time grades so you get the clearest picture of your students’ progress.

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  • Best practices: Customizing permissions to enhance courses in Moodle™

    Moodle™ allows its users to have different types of role assignments in numerous locations inside the system. The usual roles assigned to users are Administrator, Manager, Teacher, Non-editing teacher, and Student.

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  • Best practices: Benefits of using the Moodle™ Marking Guide

    Moodle™ offers multiple advanced grading methods all of which ease grading while promoting consistency and transparency. Each method allows teachers to create unique and individualized evaluation forms for grading.

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  • Got skills? Five abilities every online facilitator should develop

    When facilitating courses in Moodle™/Joule you will need to exercise new teaching methodologies and refine some of your existent skills in order to maximize the learning experience of your participants.

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  • Best practices: Using Moodle™ to create communities of practice

    Communities of Practice are formed when groups of practitioners who share a passion for something come together in an effort to improve in this area. The learning that takes place among members is not necessarily intentional. It develops naturally through the process of information sharing and it is through this experience that members have the opportunity for professional growth.

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  • Three quick ways to spruce up your Moodle™ courses

    How long has it been since you updated your courses? Are they still the first version of the course? Or were they created while you were learning Moodle™? These three steps will assist you to take your courses to the next stage.

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