Blog Listing Page

  • Best practices: Seven tricks for displaying images using the Moodle™ 2 HTML Editor

    Do the images in your course take a long time to load? Does it look like images are loading from the top-down? Do the images in your course look really close to the text? Do your images look distorted and/ pixelated?

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  • Best practices: Making the most of popular resource modules in Moodle™

    As a course builder creating compiling and combining content in an effective and meaningful way for your learners is of the utmost importance.

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  • Best practices: Three tips for making the most of Moodle™'s Question Bank

    Creating quizzes can be a time consuming task but is most often a necessary one. Utilizing Moodle™’s Question Bank to its fullest is the best way to get that “bang for your buck” we are all after.

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  • Best practices: How to videos for creating Moodle™ rubrics

    The much anticipated Moodle™ Core 2.2 rubrics will be available to Open LMS customers with the upcoming Summer 2012 release of Joule. Rubrics are a great tool for evaluating performance in any classroom. With this new release educators can quickly create a Moodle™ rubric with specific “criterion” and associated “levels” for evaluation.

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  • Best practices: Four ways to best utilize Joule Reports

    Open LMS created Joule Reports to supplement Moodle™ reports. As you read in one of our previous posts Moodle™ has great reporting functionality with its built-in reports to assist you during your daily facilitation tasks.

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  • Best practices: Using Moodle™ for corporate training Initiatives

    Moodle™ is frequently the LMS of choice 🔗 for schools but it is also a popular choice among corporations. These organizations may find themselves using Moodle™ quite differently than most schools. For example courses might be primarily asynchronous and self-paced with no instructor or facilitator.

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  • Best practices: Seven steps for transitioning to online teaching

    For many teachers teaching in the online environment is not what they expected. They dreamed of spending days in brick and mortar classrooms full of learners their eyes bright and their minds focused on each and every word we said. Times have changed learners have changed and so – we teachers must change too.

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  • Best practices: IEPs for all: Ten tips for creating individualized instruction with Moodle™ and Joule

    Although an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is often thought of as a plan only for students with documented disabilities all students have their own strengths and weaknesses.

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  • Best practices: Five tips for making the most of Moodle™ reports

    In Moodle™ thousands of users can interact within a site all at the same time. At any point in time you can have students teachers course builders and site administrators all working in a particular course or even a specific activity.

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