3 Benefits of eLearning Localization

It is no secret that the Internet has revolutionized how people communicate, how they access and share information, and even how they learn. With electronic technology pushing learning beyond the traditional classroom walls, eLearning is a defining aspect of the way knowledge is consumed in the 21st century. With a growing demand for eLearning, more companies are using Corporate Learning Management Systems (LMS) like Moodle™ and Totara to organize and deliver content. As that content spreads around the globe, it is vital for companies to work with professional localization agencies for localized content and an LMS with SCORM functionality to deliver that content. This is particularly easy to do in Moodle™. Additionally, Moodle™ offers over 100+ language packs, making it a prime choice for companies that operate in multiple countries. The benefits of working with a localization agency and multilingual LMS include consistency, cultural relevancy, and scalability.

Improved Consistency

Business Learning Management Systems (LMS) are secure platforms that house content that is accessed and used by learners, facilitators, and administrators. As companies wish to expand their reach globally, it is important to maintain consistency throughout all the translated content. A professional localization agency works with a team of native speakers who can preserve the tone and voice of the curriculum. Additionally, when that content is created and then translated by a localization agency, SCORM compliance allows the eLearning content to be played on any LMS that is SCORM conformant. This compliance brings an improved level of consistency because the eLearning content does not have to be reformatted for different Learning Management Systems.

Increased Cultural Relevancy

When a company’s target audience is also a multilingual audience, eLearning localization is essential. Not only does it increase consistency, but a localization agency can ensure that eLearning curriculum is both culturally sensitive and relevant. Localization agencies understand the technology, the culture, and the marketing and design strategies that are particular to various countries. At the start of the project, the company and the agency can collaborate, creating a glossary of important terminology that reflects current industry terms and past translations. The agency can also point out terms that would require additional clarification in different languages. These translations will also be culturally sensitive and relevant because localization helps companies avoid visuals, gestures, and symbols that might be confusing or offensive. While most Americans think nothing of pointing at someone or something with a single finger, the gesture is highly offensive in other regions of the world, including Latin America and parts of Asia. In addition to preserving the intended tone, localization is also important because professional translators understand how different languages affect pacing, pauses, and even the length of translated words, which can greatly impact the readability of online content by making a page look too cluttered or too sparse. By partnering with a localization agency, companies can rest assured that their curriculum and training material will meet the needs of every audience in a way that feels authentic and personalized to their needs.

Scalability with a Localization Agency Partnership

Partnering with a localization agency further benefits companies because it ensures that the eLearning content is scalable. While a company may start the translation process with one language, a localization agency can quickly and accurately translate the content to other languages as the need arises. This scalability means that companies can grow all parts of their training deliverables as the content distribution expands into new regions around the world.

Final Thoughts

An ever-increasing number of companies are turning to eLearning as a means of educating consumers and training workers. Companies with a multilingual audience are at a great advantage when they partner with localization agencies. The consistency of the content is increased when it is translated with digital learning standards in mind. More so, the translated content is also culturally relevant and scalable, which means the reputation of the company grows along with its market reach. Lastly, the translated content is easily incorporated into the LMS via SCORM compliance to reach target audiences across the globe. This is a guest blog post from Interpro Translations Solutions, a professional translation company that helps companies provide multilingual versions of their products, services, and content to their target market via translation, internationalization, and localization. To learn more about Interpro, visit www.interproinc.com. Learn how open-source Moodle™ and Totara provide the flexibility for companies to scale efficiently.

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