3 LMS-Enabled Steps to Take When Creating a Strong Compliance Training Program

The success of an organization often depends on how well-prepared its employees are—hence why training has become a necessity in today’s corporate world. To keep employees up-to-date and well-informed, many organizations are heavily investing in eLearning solutions like business learning management systems (LMSs) to incorporate proper training strategies in their workforce.

From occupational health to workplace safety or data protection and privacy compliance, organizations continue to need strong compliance training programs. With the cost of non-compliance rising, they must guarantee that they conform with legal requirements and best practices in order to prevent costly mistakes.

In this article, we list three essential steps that will help you build a robust compliance training program with the help of Open LMS Work technology.

1. Establish a Communication Strategy

Context is everything. An organization’s head office and upper management know the importance of compliance, but the information is sometimes not well communicated to the entire organization. Individuals don’t know the real implications of non-compliance. As a consequence, they’re unaware of the timely importance of getting their compliance training completion certificates.

A good communication strategy is to start explaining the importance of compliance training from the beginning. Make sure you inform the workforce properly before assigning them to compliance training programs. Explain the regulations the company must comply with, the expectations from upper management, and the rewards for completion if there are any. If you've got nobody completing the training the first or second week, you can start to send reminders or announcements through the corporate LMS—Open LMS Work allows managers to automate these.

2. Be Aware of Compliance Deadlines

Deadlines are crucial in compliance training. Employees not meeting training deadlines could lead to non-compliance. If they don’t finish their program in time, it may impact an audit, for example.

Compliance courses often require learners to fulfill several activities and assignments, which could take time to complete for your already busy workforce. Employees usually have their hands full with their own responsibilities, so much so that it’s common for them to leave compliance training until the very last minute.

To avoid this issue, you can include elements in the LMS that make them aware of their pending programs. For example, Open LMS Work allows you to include a calendar with upcoming deadlines. Likewise, you can add a widget that lists all the upcoming events and due dates for the user. These elements give employees a fast and visual way to check their assignments. This way, if they’re going on annual leave, for example, they can quickly check if they need to get something done before leaving.

Content Development

How fast you need the content up in the LMS is an important matter to keep in mind when thinking about compliance training. Many companies rely on providers to create learning content. However, corporate organizations sometimes need a faster strategy.

Organizations that get audited or are subject to constant regulations sometimes need to train their employees for a new policy or procedure in record time. They don’t have time to work with a provider. In this scenario, organizations benefit from an LMS that has easy-to-use functionality to create the course. You can use Open LMS Work built-in tools to create high-quality content quickly and on demand without the help of a vendor.

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3. Track Compliance Training Progress

How do organizations know their compliance program is in a good place without a tool to track its status? A reliable program must include a way to quickly see how employees are progressing with their compliance training responsibilities.

It may be tedious to go into every single individual’s record and ask whether they completed their training or not. Open LMS Work resolves this issue by enabling real-time reports and statistics. When a manager is assigned to a course, they get access to a section in the LMS where they can check the progress of each employee. They can confirm if an employee finished the course, the score they got, or how many attempts it took them to complete.

This data can help teams make important decisions about their courses. If an individual completes a course with a low score, they may need some extra learning to completely excel at the subject. Likewise, managers may notice that a big percentage of the workforce fails the same section in the course, which may indicate that either the content needs polishing, or that employees need further training in a specific area. With Open LMS Work reports, management can also detect if learners are just rushing through the course. They may look, for example, for signs of learners using a process of elimination to guess the answers over multiple attempts.

This data will allow companies to make smarter decisions and mitigate compliance risks. Armed with information, managers can create reports to inform the company or proactively contact employees directly and see how to help before it’s too late.

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The Best Workplace Compliance Training Solution

Building a strong compliance training program might seem like a difficult task, but it doesn’t have to be if you have the right tools on your side. Open LMS Work is a Moodle™-based learning management system designed specifically for the use cases of the corporate world. It can be customized according to your needs, whether you’re a small business, a large corporation, or a government organization. Choose a technology like Open LMS Work that will empower your users with effective and engaging learning experiences.

If you want to know more about Open LMS Work and how it can help you build effective compliance training programs, contact our experts to schedule a demo!
James Smith
About the author

James Smith

Customer Solutions Architect at Open LMS

I'm a Digital Learning Product Owner, Learning Project Manager, L&D Manager & Learning Transformation professional who solves business problems through enabling people.

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