Blog Listing Page

  • Best practices: The top 10 administrative settings for saving instructors time

    As someone who has been fortunate enough to serve many Moodle™ roles (student course facilitator course builder and site administrator) I’ve been asked many times…

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  • Best practices: Supporting effective group work using Moodle™ Tools

    Well-designed groups can make a world of difference in the quality of the learning climate. But in order for student group participation to be successful students and instructors must honor the process of team learning.

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  • Best practices: Six tips for taking advantage of Joule's comparison reports

    If you follow this blog you already know about the advantages of Moodle™ core reports and the enhanced Joule Reports. Open LMS Summer 2012 release included several features to assist instructors and facilitators within Joule LMS.

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  • Is Flexpage right for me? Five benefits of Flexpage in Moodle™ 2

    Open LMS Inc. recently made a great contribution the open-source Moodle™ community by releasing the Flexpage course format for Moodle™ 2. Flexpage is one of the most versatile course formats created for Moodle™ 1.x and its new and improved version is now available for anyone who wants to install the module in their Moodle™ 2 instance.

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  • Best Practices: Advanced Grading With Checklists

    Our recent Summer 2012 release of Joule included two advanced grading methods: Moodle™ core’s Rubric and our Joule Checklist. If you were already using Joule’s marking tables, they were automatically upgraded to Moodle™ core rubrics. If you were using the Joule checklist, they were upgraded to the Joule checklist.

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  • Best practices: Spend less time grading with Joule Grader

    A few weeks ago we launched our Joule Summer 2012 Release. Within that release we made a great new feature available called "Joule Grader." If you are an instructor you will fall in love this powerful new grading tool!

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  • Best practices: Using database and Wiki to leverage Science courses

    As a teacher I promoted high–level thinking by placing students in situations where they needed to solve problems within the context of projects research investigations laboratory experimentation etc.

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  • Best practices: A case for rubrics: Four student benefits and teacher tips for use

    As every educator knows a rubric is a scoring tool typically used for formative assessments. Rubrics can be especially helpful when used for assessments that may be subjective in nature.

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  • Best practices: Five tips for creating an effective online syllabus

    A syllabus should be the “go to” document for students in any course no matter its’ delivery method. An effective syllabus should eliminate the possibility of confusion on the part of your students as it should answer relatively any question they might have about the course and course components.

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