Common Corporate Training Programs HR Managers Can Provide Online

Developing a robust corporate training program from the ground up likely presents unique challenges or requirements depending on your organization’s needs. However, there are a handful of onboarding, compliance, and other training courses that most employees need to complete or have already completed in previous or similar roles. Topics such as diversity training and first aid are necessary to be taught as part of onboarding and training in order to address any slight discrepancies in policies among different organizations, companies or even federally and state-wide. Regardless of the organization or industry you work in, these essential yet sometimes repetitive courses need to be both engaging and efficient in order for learners to retain the information while also learning additional specific company policies, procedures and responsibilities within their role, and other information regarding their position. Fortunately, an online learning solution such as a Corporate Learning Management System (LMS) can help revamp and transform the dissemination of the most common corporate training programs. A business LMS can help HR managers streamline onboarding processes and minimize the time it takes to complete required L&D, allowing your team members to start working sooner rather than later. These courses are often essential or can be applied to almost any role within any department of your organization, and with a more efficient and engaging solution to deliver them, can be more effective and streamlined within your learning plans.

Common Corporate Training Programs HR Managers Should Consider Shifting to an Online Environment

Sexual Harassment

Core learning modules that cover the federal and state laws concerning sexual harassment in the workplace are a staple of learning and development programs because they are necessary for many businesses to remain in compliance with labor laws at every jurisdictional level. Employees have a right to know what constitutes sexual harassment to ensure they are aware of boundaries and know how to respond if another employee crosses them. Modules for covering the material through an online learning platform like Moodle™ LMS and OpenLMS Work need to correctly differentiate between quid pro quo harassment and hostile work environment, while providing clear examples and definitions for each.

Racial Discrimination

Workplace discrimination law and federal civil rights law both put forth harsh sanctions for racial discrimination against employees, subcontractors, and customers. The relevant recourse and penalties vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction where state laws are concerned, but federal guidelines are universal in the United States, and employees need to understand your policies for compliance with those laws. More importantly, though, they also need to understand how to connect to the people in the company who are positioned to help them report issues with racial discrimination and resolve them. That means personalizing the training to your company and providing clear resources for seeking guidance if an employee has questions about policies or problems to report.


Along with the legal and procedural supports covered in racial discrimination response training courses, diversity courses are commonly implemented to help employees understand one another and communicate better. They can include a variety of topics, from cultural exchange studies that let employees share their experiences and perspectives to training in the best ways to use inclusive language to help everyone feel welcome in the workplace. These resources can help break down communication barriers and prevent misconceptions for employees from a variety of backgrounds, helping to prevent conflicts before they arise by promoting understanding.

Corporate Culture

Another common line of training is a closer examination of the organization's corporate culture and makeup. It's often customized to the employee's role, with continuing education for those who are mentored onto a career track. Early modules presented to most employees often include information about the company's volume of business, number of employees, facility locations, and departments. This information helps employees understand the organization's size and mission better, and it also gives you the opportunity to make sure everyone knows your key officers and their roles. Modules for those being tracked into management or other specialized roles tend to include more role-specific training about the expectations for professional decorum, rules about communication internally and externally, and guidelines that help them identify when it is time to improvise and when it is time to escalate the decision-making to someone with more room to maneuver. Executive-track training includes leadership philosophy and professional development designed to help professionalize your next generation of key decision makers. With the right eLearning design, the entire process can be seamlessly integrated to provide supplemental learning and support throughout an employee's career with your company.

Safety Protocols & PPE Use

An essential area of employee training for state and federal OSHA compliance, training in the safe operation of equipment and the use of the right PPE is also an area of employee education that needs to be highly customized to your company and the employee's role. Learning the best way to approach potentially hazardous materials, equipment, or procedures helps protect the worker while saving the company money by minimizing waste and decreasing the likelihood of insurance claims for injuries or equipment damage. Additionally, dress code and proper work wear is an essential training topic as well in order to ensure employees wear appropriate attire to perform their role.

First Aid & Emergency Response

This training is often paired with training in safe equipment operation and PPE use, but it is also a useful topic to cover on its own. Emergency response training should include not only information about who to contact for assistance with first aid and where to find supplies, but also key procedures for reporting and documenting workplace injuries. Creating a chain of documentation helps smooth over the coverage of medical costs for serious injuries while establishing who to contact and what the preferred location for emergency treatment will be at each facility you operate.

Ready to Get Started?

As mentioned, the LMS can help streamline and organize these common corporate training programs. Not to mention, an LMS that provides the flexibility and functionality to build hierarchies, personalized learning paths, and competency-based education programs allows you to create even more efficient and engaging learning programs, ultimately driving your business forward and increasing your bottom line. If you want more information on building your learning ecosystem to accommodate common corporate training courses, get in touch with the experts at Open LMS or request an individual demonstration below.

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