
  • The Importance of Your Moodle™ Theme—And How SNAP Improves Your User Experience

    There’s a lot to consider when you’re choosing a Moodle™-based learning management system (LMS). If platform theme options aren’t at the forefront of your mind, they should be! This blog further explains why Moodle™ themes are so important, and looks at how the SNAP theme offers a better user experience while providing greater accessibility. Read on to learn more.

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  • The Student-Centric Approach: Applying Adult Learning Theory to Your Content Design

    We know pedagogy as the science behind creating engaging educational experiences for learners. The problem is, your adult learners have significantly different needs to the typical target students of most pedagogies: children.

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  • An A to Z Guide to Navigating Digital Education

    Online learning has become a mainstream method of educating adults. Whether you’re working in the corporate world or higher education, you’ve likely taken a course or watched a webinar using a learning management system (LMS) and aren’t a stranger to digital learning.

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  • The Learning Lowdown: What Separates an LMS From an LXP, and Why You Could Need Both

    The demand for enhanced digital learning in schools and the workplace has never been greater. The eLearning industry is keeping pace with many tools and resources designed to help learning institutions and businesses educate their users more efficiently. Although there are many ways to educate large groups of people, two learning delivery software options have proven to be important assets for both schools and corporations.

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  • Open-Source vs Closed-Source LMS: Understanding Key LMS Technologies

    How does an open-source LMS differ from a closed-source LMS? What are the pros and cons of each system?

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  • Creating Real-Life Learning Experiences: Augmented Reality in Education

    Learn how to use augmented reality in education through courses and an LMS.

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  • Virtual Training: Maximize Your Team’s Potential With an LMS

    Learn the tools and techniques to effectively using virtual training for the good of your team and ROI.

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  • Synchronous Vs Asynchronous Learning: In-Depth Guide

    Find out the difference between synchronous and asynchronous learning and which one is the best option for your organization or educational institution.

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  • 10 Foolproof Ways to Increase Learning Retention

    Learning retention can be challenging for your learners. Discover 10 quick strategies to increase retention in your online courses.

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