How Open LMS Work Stands Out: 6 Exciting Features

Although Business LMSs have become popular tools for corporate training, organizations often struggle to find a solution that fits their specific requirements and use cases.

Since its launch, Open LMS Work has transformed how a wider range of small to medium-sized businesses, large corporations, non-profits, and government institutions provide value to their learners. We’re continually adding new features to enrich the experiences for organizations and their learners when using the platform.

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of 6 outstanding Open LMS Work features specially designed to solve the challenges of corporate training. Read on to discover why it has become an LMS of choice.

1. Powerful Multi-Tenancy Capability

Multi-tenancy is a feature that allows organizations the ability to segment users and delegate Corporate LMS management within a single site. Each segment known as a tenant can have their own site name, logo, and color schemes.

Multi-tenancy gives administrators the ability to use the same site to delegate permissions to other users. Tenant admins can set different options, users, dashboards, and even different brand appearances per tenant.

This is a particularly useful functionality for those organizations that want to delegate training responsibilities to other teams, departments, store branches, or branch companies they’re training. They can also add and edit their own courses, while also setting up courses and programs that can be shared across tenants.

2. Customizable Interface and Dashboard

One of the biggest advantages of Open LMS Work is that its look and feel are highly customizable. As a part of an organization’s onboarding, the Open LMS team works to match the platform’s style to the company’s branding, this includes adding their own brand logos, colors, and other characteristic visual elements.

The login process can also be customized. In the platform, tenants have the ability to enable alternative login options on their login page, including guest access, account creation, single sign-on, and other advanced options. All of these features can be turned on and turned off depending on the organization’s specific needs.

Now, on the learner side, when logging into the account, they’ll find an easy-to-understand customizable dashboard. In this dashboard, learners can visualize course overviews and completion progress, as well as add or remove blocks from the dashboard.

3. Improved Reporting

In workplace training, reporting is a priority. Open LMS Work is able to help organizations create reports that matter to them. The report builder makes the creation of ad hoc reports easier, as it provides enough flexibility to modify them rapidly and seamlessly. Administrators can still generate default reports, but they can also edit them. They can rename reports, change columns, or use filters to select the data they specifically need in their report.

Administrators can quickly create different report views, allowing teams to slice and dice the data and then distribute it as appropriate within their organization. For example, they can now use the taxonomies feature, which allows them to add multiple terms to a hierarchy (such as regions or different store/office locations). Taxonomies can be used to not only assign learning but to structure new and improved reports as well.

According to the taxonomies set, administrators can easily grant permissions to other users, who in turn can pull reports with specific data and from specific courses or users. They’re also able to schedule reports and share them through other platforms or business analytics tools.

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4. Specialized Learning Programs

One highly-requested feature recently added to the Open LMS Work platform is the concept of learning programs. Programs allow users to set up course learning plans, learning pathways, and curriculums. This enables learning designers to setup predefined pathways of learning, where learners have to complete courses in a particular sequence in order to complete the program.

Admins can assign people to programs or allocate them in different ways. They can also adjust the scheduling or duration of these programs. Essentially, programs are a tool for organizations to build a more meaningful training experience.

5. Searchable Course and Learning Programs Catalogs

While some organizations only assign compliance and other training to users, catalogs allow users to find individual courses or programs according to their training needs and learning preferences. In the Open LMS Work platform, users can access catalogs for courses and programs.

They can leverage search fields to find the courses they may want to enroll in or that they want to request enrollment into. Custom fields added to courses allow organizations to include attributes that are important to them, such as language, modality, accreditation body or number or credits. And these fields in turn help users find the best matches for what they're looking for while administrators can still be in control of what appears in the catalog and how learners enroll in those courses.

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6. Fully Customizable Certificates

Certificates can be issued at a course or program level. Once a learner has finished a course or program, you can automatically issue a certificate specifying the completion and expiration date. Let's say that you're doing a leadership program and it's got multiple courses over multiple months. You can set it up so that, once users complete that entire program, they get their certificates.

Administrators can also create different certificate templates and use them as much as they need to provide consistency across the platform. Templates can differ in size: ranging from multi-page certificates to wallet-sized certificates. What’s more, they can incorporate custom elements like program fields, user fields, additional text, QR codes for validating authenticity, and more.

An LMS Built for Corporate Training

Open LMS Work is a product in active development that’s improving day by day. Our team of experts understands which features will be able to meet the needs of today’s corporate organizations. All updates and improvements to Open LMS Work are aimed towards providing the best tools to build quality eLearning experiences. We’re constantly releasing new features, functionality, bug fixes, and improvements every month.

Want to see all of these Open LMS Work features in action? Contact our team or schedule a demo. Discover how our technology can grow your organization today!
Courtney Bentley
About the author

Courtney Bentley

Director of Client Success at Learnsoft

As a Director of Client Success, I oversee the success of our clients in all phases of their LMS lifecycle. I make quick connections with clients and build trust quickly, which enables my team and me to truly become a partner in eLearning for our clients. Colleagues and clients alike rely on my ability to understand, translate and effectively communicate technical concepts to non-technical audiences in order to implement solutions that will empower our clients to maximize their learning initiatives. An Information Technology professional with over 20 years of experience in education as a faculty member, instructional technologist, and technology leader, I bring a breadth of knowledge and experience to my work, and I am a player-coach thriving in situations where I can contribute to the success of our team and clients. I’m in my element working on projects focused on process improvement, developing strategies for technology transitions, organizing successful technology testing, leading technology adoption, and conducting training and course planning. I love a good analogy, Texas bbq, and taking people off the line in my Tesla. *Source:*

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