
  • eLearning Methods for Training Millennials in the Workplace

    Explore how to use your Learning Management System to provide dynamic and engaging content when training millennials in the workplace.

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  • 9 Ways the L&D Function is Evolving

    Learning and development is an essential component to every organization to ensure a safe and productive work environment. Check out 9 ways L&D is evolving.

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  • 6 Signs Your Organization Needs an LMS

    Does your company need an LMS to organize your company's training content and courses? Chances are it does, and here are a few reasons why.

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  • 7 Steps for Creating a Successful Compliance Training Program

    Learn how to create successful compliance training programs and improve the compliance culture with eThink Education partner GRC Solutions.

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  • Best Practices for a Successful Client-Vendor Content Partnership

    Creating educational content is a complex process with many moving parts, becoming even more so when a company doesn't have the internal resources to complete the project. In this case, a client-vendor partnership can be a win-win for both parties. Here are some best practices for developing a successful relationship.

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  • 3 Benefits of eLearning Localization

    It is no secret that the Internet has revolutionized how people communicate, how they access and share information, and even how they learn. With electronic technology pushing learning beyond the traditional classroom walls, eLearning is a defining aspect of the way knowledge is consumed in the 21st century.

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  • Best practices: Using Moodle™ for corporate training Initiatives

    Moodle™ is frequently the LMS of choice 🔗 for schools but it is also a popular choice among corporations. These organizations may find themselves using Moodle™ quite differently than most schools. For example courses might be primarily asynchronous and self-paced with no instructor or facilitator.

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