An Update on Our Open-Source Code Roadmap

It has been a banner year for Open LMS, truly. We’re so proud of all we’ve accomplished in 2021, including adding over 100 new LMS customers in just the first half of the year. In addition, we’ve added a number of new hires to our team and successfully rebranded and launched Open LMS WORK, our open-source business LMS for global organizations of all sizes.

Open LMS Work is a particular point of pride for our team, as the worlds of skills-based learning and traditional degree-based learning are beginning to merge. We’re committed to serving the full educational lifecycle at Open LMS by providing open-source options for both higher education and adult learning—whether via corporate training or continuing education.

We’re responding to this clear converging trend in the market by creating an open-source solution for all learners. That’s why we have already released source code for 65 different plugins in this effort, including 24 from October to December:

With that said, we announced plans to release all of our Moodle™ modules and enhancements by the end of the year. We detailed a roadmap of product releases to take us through 2021, and we encouraged you to hold us accountable to this commitment.

We have to hold ourselves accountable, too, which is why we feel it’s important to share that we will unfortunately not be able to release all of our source code by the end of 2021 as originally intended.

Why? Simply put: We were overly optimistic.

Since joining Learning Technologies Group in 2020, Open LMS has undergone tremendous growth. We’ve acquired eCreators and eThink Education, and have been merging three organizations’ products, codes, and entire ecosystems ever since. This is complex engineering, and frankly, we underestimated the time needed to consolidate all our processes and then update our open code to a state where the market at large could benefit from it.

We’ve extended our roadmap, and we promise it will be worth the wait! We are committed to only releasing high-quality, enterprise-ready solutions. Our products are highly curated, heavily tested and scalable for any enterprise, and we won’t compromise quality for timeliness.

And, as always, we’re continually innovating within this space. We’ll never be “done” contributing to the global community of open-source developers, so you can continue to expect more from our team.

Thank you for your patience and stay tuned for what’s to come next.

Phill Miller, Managing Director,  Brad Koch Product VP and Derek Brost, VP of Engineering and Security from Open LMS

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